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Fuse v8.3.0 React Admin Template Redux Toolkit Material Design React Hooks Download | React


Fuse React written with the React Hooks (New feature of react lets you use state and other React features without writing a class. Fuse React is a complete React admin template that follows Google’s Material Design guidelines.

Fuse React admin template uses Material UI as a primary UI library while using Redux Toolkit for state management. It has built-in page templates, routing, and auth features. It also includes 5 example apps, 20+ pages, lots of reusable react components, and more. Fuse React admin template is not only a great kick starter for your project but also an extremely good place to learn some of the advanced aspects of React.

Built With:

  • React
  • React Redux
  • Redux Toolkit
  • React Hook Form
  • Material-UI V5
  • Tailwind v3
  • Framer Motion
  • Create React App v5
  • React App Rewire
  • React Router v6
  • Redux Thunk
  • Material Icons
  • Poppins typeface font family
  • React Table
  • Forms React
  • Google Map React
  • Apex Charts
  • Full Calendar
  • Draft JS